A World Without Pain Is So Much Fun,
But Its A Fantasy, in Reality There Cant Be None,
But Yet Someway Somehow We Want To Simplify,
But No Worries, I Am Here If You Started To Break Tears of Cry,
Maybe Someday The World World Will Be At Slide,
Till Then Hopefully This Is Enough, A Wish Of GoodNight!
December 18, 2011
On Going Poem.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 1:40 AM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Poem
November 28, 2011
November 10, 2011
Diari Seorang Lelaki-Harga Sebuah Kasih Sayang
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 4:38 AM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ Love Story, aCe+ thought
October 29, 2011
This Ain't A Lullaby Sleepyhead
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 4:10 AM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
October 28, 2011
October 18, 2011
Kill Or Be Killed , Who Cares, Everybody Gotta Die Sometimes
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:09 AM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ Thin Line, aCe+ thought
October 6, 2011
Wake Up Stupid, Its A Nightmare Not A Sweet Dream
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:28 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe
September 23, 2011
Hey Little devil, Hear My Confession!
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 8:09 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
September 10, 2011
I'm Here, Now. There's No Turning Back, Now. Its All Start Again Somehow, Now.. At Some Point I Wish I Could Go Back Rather Then Be Here, Now.Resemblance Of What Had Happened, I Hate It Here, Now. But I Can Never Go Back, I Am Stuck Here, Now. What Ever I Do, No Matter How Good It Is, It Can't Never Be As Good As Before Not As Whats Now.. Oh I Wish I Am Dreaming Right NOW!
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 4:06 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
September 8, 2011
A Baby Steps Is Still A Starting Point
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 5:17 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
August 26, 2011
Nuff Said
I Used To Pathetic, Waiting And Moaning For Someone Who I Don't Deserve. Well Girl, How's It's Felt Like Walking In My Shoe?
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 11:54 PM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
August 24, 2011
Survive, Much The Same
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 11:52 AM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
August 15, 2011
Boredom Is Not A Feeling, Is A Disease, It Can Spread To Other. Better Watch Your Back Bro!
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 1:45 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Feeling
August 11, 2011
She's Dead. Its For Real This Time.. R.I.P ayen
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 3:09 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe
August 2, 2011
Keep On Speaking Up Moron!
p/s- People Say That K. Rajagobal Should Vacant The Post As National Coach. Hmm....
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 6:49 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Others, aCe+ thought
Sparks From Within
If You Ask Me How I Feel About You, I’m Afraid That You Are Not Gonna Like The Answer, Because Deep Inside I Really Don’t Know My Feeling Towards You, It’s All Floundering Around With A Single Thought Of Blur… Deep Inside I Know You Feel The Sparks Within Us, Or Maybe We Both Too Chicken To Commit Because It Seems To Fuss, On And Off And On Again From Time To Time, Well Darls, It’s Been Two Whole Years, Maybe It’s Time To Make It Rhyme… If Distance Is The Uprise Question Well You Got Nothing To Worry, In Few Month, We’ll Be Re-united Again To Claim Our Glowing Glory, That’s The Thing, When I’m Close To You, You’ll Wash Away My Fury, One Of The Reason I Gave You That Teddy So That You’ll Remember Me… Do You Still Remember The First Time You Make Your Move On Me, As In First Time Meet, You Chose Me Out Of All Your Batch Mate In Class C, You Take Me As Your Example Even though You Can Pick From Many, Seriously Babe, You Made Me Blushed That Day, It’s Driving Me Crazy… Will I Ever Wind Up With You, One Of The Question Of Wonder, You Are Not Perfect But Yet You Remain As My Heart Warmer, Always There Every Once In Awhile Dialing Down My Rage Calmer, Buts That’s The Problems, I Do Wish Our Situation Got Here Sooner... Darling, I Never Hope For Anything Else Except The Truth, Your Answer, Yes Or No, It Will Definitely Knock Me Out Of My Boots, Maybe You Should Just Be My Bench Warmer Forever, Maybe Those Sparks Should Turn To Something Real As We’ll In Love Together...
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:31 PM 1 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Feeling, aCe+ Love Story
July 29, 2011
July 25, 2011
Breakfast For Champs
Don't try so hard to leave your mark in the world so that, one day, you'll be remembered by the new generation, just try lil' to leave a trace of your self so that you are not forgotten. Recognition is just an approval, but guess what some people, do not deserve ours. Just leave it be.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 12:49 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
July 20, 2011
CM Punk- This Fire Still Burn
So, what now? some might wondering. People are anxious to know what to become off WWE championship and the stand of Vince Mcmahon, but I can say that there's one person that won't be to anxious is CM Punk himself. He is now relaxing at home, watching Cub's game while Raw was on air. Damn. Thats beautiful life dude. Well, I gotta say, WWE landscape won't be the same after this, thanks to Punk.
p/s- This Fire Is Indeed Still Burn.. hahaha
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:02 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought, aCe+ WWE
July 17, 2011
Curse Word
Please read the statement above carefully. For those who know me, really know me, or virtually know me, i guess you guys are already well known, or sick an tried of hearing me cursing around, in every sentence of words that come out of my mouth, or well written in any of my social network, am i right?.. Some of you, may accept me the way i am, some of you may still in the process of doing so, some of you well totally different way, hate my gut. right? Truth to be told, I don't really care, its just the way i am. Yeah, I cursed, a lot. Its a normal thing for me already. Spoken or written, there"ll be a curse word, some are really hurtful, some are just simply funny in its own way.
It never occurred to my mind that some day I 'll give a damn about what people might think of me until a few days back. The Statement above is exactly what i post in my facebook and out of nowhere, my uncle, whom i never thought having an active facebook account, left me a comment, "nice language".. ops.. and it got me thinking. Yeah, I do love to curse. The only different on this realisation it that, my two different two finally collide. a world there i gotta be me on my own way, and the world where i am a son of my mother, so people always pictured me as a good,loyal, obidient son. Well, its already happen, so one thing that i can say is this, my mom know his only son, she know me, she know how i alway behave when i with my friend, she know that when i'm around her, I am not the real me, im becoming who she want me to be, and she's okay with it, so i'm not gonna change myself, I'm still gonna be me.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:22 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Family, aCe+ Feeling, aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
July 12, 2011
Bersih 2.0- The Post Mortem
Back to the matter in hand, the Bersih 2.0 rally. Frankly speaking, Yes I do like the idea of Bersih 2.0. An organisation which fight for the fairness in election. It is a good, nice wishful thinking. A democratic nation without a fair election? better about to call it an authoritarian administration right if there's no clean and fair election. So Yeah, I do support the idea of Bersih 2.0, but not the method taken by them to achieved their solid goal. A rally, it is what it is, a nuisance, public disturbance and many more which it been called. Yet Again, if you want to grab the attention of everyone, even the world, you gotta go big or go home, that's why instead of any other method, a street rally seems to them as the best approach to achieve it. No Matter what, it's does seems unhealthy, disturbing but violence is indeed the best method to get what you want.
Based on every source that is written and read by me, it seem that one conclusion can be made, Bersih 2.0 is indeed a clean street rally, up until there's involvement of self-proclaimed group "Patriot" and yes, the authority. If they just let them march toward the end, nothing will happen, but a blockade cause a lot more problems than its settled. Take other country which had happened to handled street rally cases, some may be ugly, but some are not as bad as it sound. The presence of authority forces in those rally are to control not to block the rally. Yes, the force are asked to do what they'd done, but yet again, without it, Bersih 2.0 will remain as clean street rally, nothing more.
just in case: as stated in the Federal Constitution, Article 10 clause (a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression, clause (b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms, clause (c) all citizens have the right to form associations.
So tell me, what did went wrong with Bersih 2.0 rally?
p/s- There's no exact numbers been stated, but some sources claimed that the Bersih 2.0 rally is joined by almost 20000 people, from all races. and more than 178000 people joined Bersih 2.0 facebook page.That is unity if you ask me.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 7:13 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Politics View, aCe+ thought
July 8, 2011
Namun Kaki Terus Berlari
Madah Berkata Tak Sempurna Segi,
Namun Niat Pembawa Nan Suci
Kita Sering Jatuh Tersembam
Berselingkuh Kerana Jalan Hidup Yang Curam
Hampir Kita Menyerah Segala
Tetapi Perjuangan Belum Sempurna
Sering Kita Mengeluh Berbunyi Manja
Kerana Hidup Senang Nan Leka
Terlupa Kita Akan Perjalanan Yang Jauh
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 6:34 PM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Poem
July 6, 2011
Sampah Tak Mungkin Menjadi Bunga
Kita Semua Sampah "Wangi" Yang Tidak Mengenang Budi,
Lupa Akan Asal Usul Kita Dulunya Keturunan Tuli,
Impikan Menjad Bunga Namun Masih Kurang Segala Segi.
Sampah Tetap Sampah Walau Dikitar Semula Berulang Kali,
Ditukar Ganti, Diubah Rupa Namun Tetap Tiadanya Suci
Habis Madu Sepah Dibuang, Tetap Jua Di Makan Caci
Mati Ditunggu Tiada Ke Mari, Terus Dan Terus Dicemari Badi.
Di Sepak Di Tendang Bukan Lagi Kudis Yang Bernanah,
Tempatnya Tiada Mulia Melainkan Tersungkur Di Tanah,
Dibiarkan Hapus Tanpa Belas Akhirnya Tewas Di Mamah,
Mencari Baru Namun Semuanya Masih Di Ambang Punah.
Tiada Pilihan Untuk Berubah Kerana Hakikatnya Kekal Sama,
Sampah Tetap Sampah, Tak Mungkin Sekali Menjadi Bunga,
Harapan Di Kendung, Sinar Di Puja Tetap Jua Di Pandang Hina
Tiada Jalan Keluar Terbentang, Terus Jua Bermandi Zina.
Sampah Oh Sampah, Bukalah Mata Terangkan Cendera,
Bangunlah, Keluarlah, Jangan Terus Di Empuk Leka
Sampah Tetap Sampah, Tak Mungkin Sekali Menjadi Bunga,
Kerana Bunga Akan Tetap Laku, Namun Sampah Kekal Di Takuk Sama.
Bunga Yang Sering DI Puja, Akhirnya Layu Tumbang Menyembah Bumi,
Tiadanya Seri Hilangnya Keayuan Bau Wangi,
Nasib Bunga Yang Layu Sekarang Hilangnya Bersemi,
Akhirnya Bunga Tetap Menjadi Sampah Yang Di Benci..
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 8:59 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Poem
July 2, 2011
You're A Broken Machine
"You here to analyze me , doc?
fix me up before I go back to the animal factory?
ask me some probing questions?
find out how I go tick-tock?"
"You wanna know if I kill with ease because my daddy raped his
retarded sister , and I got spit out slightly more useful than
the afterbirth?"
"Or maybe I didn't make captain of the gridiron gang
never had a cherry valance of my own."
"Or maybe cause of the bookworm queens, who later grow up to be PHMD's
stared down their noses at me so much I thought the sun was a big , old
"Or maybe it's cause when I watch a man die at my hand,I finally feel
Theodore Bagwell matters more than all those gnat's asses in the world!"
"Because I know, dear kind doctor, in that moment nothing matters more
in that soon-to-be-dead man's eyes than I!"
"Because I!, I am his gatekeeper to life or death."
Is it that menagerie of misery that make me so special a case study, doc?
is it?"
"You know it's not Theodore."
"When we started this case I thought i was going to get some great insight
into why you are the way you are,"
"A look into a complex psyche,
a glimpse into the neurological map of a madman, that could show some light
on some bigger truths, that could maybe help other sick people one day."
"As I got up-close and personal with you and your handiwork, I found a truth."
"It was a small one , though."
"As unexciting as it may sound, some machines just come out the factory broken."
"No Shit."
p/s-Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell. Total Killed-31 People. A Genius,A Madman, A Creative Killer.A Broken Machine.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:19 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Aware, aCe+ Others
June 26, 2011
Jack Without Sally
Now I am Just A Face In The Crowd, You Are A Complete Stranger
Hatred Had Now Overruled, And Love Is Something Cannot Be Lingered
Revenge May Seem Sweet, Because It Was Driven By Anger
Driven To The Escalation Point Where We Almost Traded Middle Finger.
When The Dust Is Settled, All I Have Is Myself To Take The Lead
Although I Am Wondering Whether Someday The "Perfect Someone" I Will Meet
But Yet Somehow, I Was Able To Pick Up All The Broken Pieces
Eventhough I am Still In The Search For Someone To Share Blow Kisses.
The Future Seems Scary, Now That I Am Alone To Face It
Deep Inside, I Am Still Wondering That I May Not Be Able To Handle It
Make It To The End Without Have To Experience Another Heart Break
A Hope Of Smooth And Easy Love Without Any Toll To Take.
Jack And Sally, It Is All Now Just Another Sore Memories
Memories In The Past That Keep On Tempting Me Like Crazy
But I Am Stronger Now After That Beautiful Letdown
I Am Now Able To Cross The Ocean Of Doubt Without Being Drown.
Sally, A "Thank You" You Don't Deserve But I Owed You I Guess
I Am Far Off Better Now Without You To Make A Mess
You Are Now Someone Whom Love I Should Not Confess
You Are Now A Scar Of What Used To Be Pain In My Ass.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 2:44 AM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Feeling, aCe+ Love Story, aCe+ Poem
June 23, 2011
I fight to show you purpose, to keep you satisfied.
I fight to make you happy. I war to win your heart.
I'd fight forever for you. I ache when we're apart.
I fight to stay together, to bring us eye to eye.
I fight to speak your language, to keep you by my side.
I fight to make it easy. I push to give you time.
I fight our losing battle. I bleed to stay alive.
I fall like a fighter when you give me a shot. I'll live like a lover when you're all that I've got.
I'm fighting for us. My heart is a soldier.
I'm killing myself. My heart is a soldier marching to die.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 7:20 PM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Others
June 21, 2011
Only God Can Plays God
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 11:45 AM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ thought
June 9, 2011
Runaway Monalisa
Don't Doubt Yourself Now Even Though Nobody Is Gunning
Keep On Your Pace And Your Head In The Game
Keep Pretending Forever That Everything Is Still The Same
But The Fact Remains That Everything Cannot Be Overturned
Every Piece Of Trust Shattered As You Left Me Burned
No Problem At All That's Everything We Build Is Now Ruined
Just Keep On Running Monalisa, For God Sake Keep On Going...
Put Your Act On Now Monalisa, Keep On Pretending
Play Your Roles As Puppet Master Now As I'm Stupid To Still Granting
To Still Be Waiting To Be Justified Even Though It's Never Happening
Toy My Emotion Away As I Moronic Enough To Still Be Believing
Believing Is Something So Impossible That We Will Someday Be Together
Dreaming Of Being At The End Of The Aisle As You Walk To The Altar
Dream Which Appear In Motion That We Somehow Happy Here And After
A Dream Of Stupidity What Left Me Broken And Suffered...
Yeah Monalisa, Keep On Running Away
Don't Stop Now Because I Am Inching Away With A Sway
A Sway Of Payback That I Keep Long Enough Peeling
Once I Release It For Sure You Be Numb Without A Feeling
But Somehow With All That Pain And Anger I Still Choose Not To
Because Right Now The Revenge Is Coming In Due
Not By My Doing But From Someone Who Did Stole Your Heart
Does That Make Me Happy? Happy Is A Funny Word and Yes, It Is A Start...
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 11:13 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Feeling, aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ Love Story, aCe+ Poem
June 6, 2011
Redemption Come With A Price
Erlösung kommt mit einem Preis
la redención viene con un precio
la rédemption vient avec un prix
riscatto ha un prezzo
verlossing komt met een prijs
visszaváltási ára van
penebusan datang dengan harga
"redemption comes with a price"
English to Hungarian translation
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 11:47 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
June 5, 2011
Kick Me, I'll Absorb The Pain.
Humiliated Me, I Still Laugh Out Loud.
Break Me, I'll Pick Up The Pieces.
Forget Me, I'll Somehow Survived.
Hate Me, I'll Still Be The Same.
Whatever, I Still Care..
Its You Who Walk Away.
I Am Still Here.
To Be Justified!
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 9:03 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
May 31, 2011
Coretan Hati Derita
Tapi, bukan semua pernah merasai suatu ketewasan , satu kekalahan yang mungkin menjatuhkan kita tanpa memberi peluang untuk bangun semula dan cuba sekali lagi. Sesetengah insan mampu, tapi bukan semua. Sayap yang sama membawa kita terbang tinggi juga merupakan sayap yang bakal membawa kita kebawah semula. Kita rapuh. Manusia sering rapuh dalam perjuangan hidup. Rapuh untuk bertahan, rapuh untuk melawan.
Keseluruhannya, kita bakal tewas akhirnya. Tak kira apa pun yang kita juangkan, apa pun yang kita pegang sebagai pendorong, kita hanya mampu melewatkan penentuan. Penentuan yang noktah, penentuan yang menyatakan kita hanya seorang pengalah yang sentiasa kalah pada cabaran. Tewas pada kepayahan. Terus menghurung derita yang tiada penghujung. Ya, kita sentiasa kalah. Selamanya akan kalah.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 12:01 PM 2 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ thought
May 21, 2011
Care To Try Again?
Because I'm The Guy Who Always Do Things Silly
Its Not Stupidity Its Just A Simple Act Of Bravery
Because To Me Rejection Is Whole Lots Better Than Sorry
Crash And Burn Plays Along As My Similarity Outcome
Why? Because Height Is My Phobia But I Still Make The Jump
A Jump Which Simply Defined As Rush Decision
But Is Showed That I'm Reckless More Than My Passion
But I Guess I'm Not Just One The Guy
The Type That Keep It All Bur Rather Than Just Let It Fry
Not One Of The Predictable Typical Type
One Of The Only That Keeps On Rocking The Vibe
Maybe You Are My Next Maybe You Are Not
So I Refuse To Keep In Shut In The Log
Because If You Are, I Have A Chance To Be Happy
Its Lot Than Wondering In Blurry
Care To Try Again? This Time I Am Damn Sure
Its Not Feel Like Love But The Affiliation Is Pure
I Not Gonna Tag Along Playing It Save
Because This Time I Got The Signal You Gave
In The End I Control My Own Choice, And Its You
Because, I Do Like You
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 5:23 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Feeling, aCe+ LiFe, aCe+ Poem, aCe+ thought
May 19, 2011
Moving On Is Effing Hard
It make us all helpless, a lost cause without a guide,
Leaving you on thought how to get through the night,
sympathy alone make no good to put a strength of a fight.
A baby steps only easy as it been said,
But a suffering heart knows better as hope starting to fade,
Good 'ol memories repeated itself as sadness created,
In the end, you are all alone again like a confused soul in a maze.
Nobody can really understand how you feel inside,
As perfect moment seized, it disspeared in a glance of slide,
"You Will Never Move On!", this thought comes by as a might,
But you control your own life, you alone capable of making it right.
The pain alone killing you inside, without a doubt,
Makes you wonder on how to put a smile to the crowd
The same crowd of people who keep on asking why,
The same crowd who'll never understand why you cry.
No question that moving on is "effing" hard,
As you keep on trying, everything starting to fall apart,
But do remember, within every heart there's a soldier,
A soldier that haven't decided whether to be a fighter or a quitter.
Do yourself a favor, please be a fighter,
A fighter whom made out of believer,
A believer whome comes from weak becoming someone stronger,
With that you own yourself happiness which is better.
Life is not a fairytale, because you'll never be the same,
Times might heal the pain, but the scars remain,
But the scars do serve you as a reminder,
That you are once hurt but it will not stay on forever,
Bacause you will move on to something greater,
In the end, You, Only You Yourself Which Is Matter.
Twisted Mind Of aCe+ @ 12:33 PM 0 Spits On My Face
Catagorize As aCe+ Poem
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