first of all, alhamdullillah..result aku xr membanggakan sgt kalu sesetgh org tgk tp aku amat bangga ngn result aku.seriesly..i dun deserve that type of result...aku cuma fail satu paper jew.. ACC114 (mmg dr dlu aku fuck paper aku mmg dah agak akan fail..cmon la..8 jam ja aku study subject ni spnjang sem..mmg aku deserve fail pun..xpa2..sem ni aku wat early preparation)..other paper, aku pass.series aku sendri xpecaya.. BEL260-B..CTU-B+..Eco- C.. koko -A (xsia2 aku pengsan sebab kesat..dpt gak A)..PAD160-C+...PAD 170-B- (ok stop rite there.paper ni aku plg terperanjat skali aku dpt B-..after all i been through this semester involing this paper still i passed it..dah kena sumpah ngn lecturer n aku maki lecture depan bilik dia n dia dgq n still ble pass, i im position where i shouldnt argue or be dissappointed..)..thanx madam junaida (eclass ke ckp ni..ntah hanya aku yg tahu..)..well, aku dah berjanji ngn diri aku se ni aku xmau maen2 dah..nk bg up pointer aku blk(currently 2.54), mcm yg Saf ckp r, whatever happen take it as a lesson..yup this is a lesson for me..thanx to all my lec last smester..thanx so much..
[Netflix] Lust, Caution HD quality
6 years ago
11 Spits On My Face:
next sem kite repeat acc sesama tau..
tp yg nyata akak tamo puan siti tu.
kerek sungguh die.
yup2 tke it as a lesson. huhu i ponx repeat acc. ngee~
yup2 tke it as a lesson. huhu i ponx repeat acc. ngee~ ts sem is 1 to forget
hanna-j..alrite..ok..kita ambik lc yg ble paham dia jaq n dia ok ngn student yg problematic cm kita ni..he3.
blitizni--ok la tuh kan..xpa2..kita ni byk similarity ek..he3
acc tu ape ?
nadhsamuel- sorry2..acc is actually acc114..a code for a subject in our diploma programme.acc114 stand for accounting 1..basic accounting for non-accountinf students
huhu, mane la i tau~ i bukan budak account~
sama r i pun..i benci accounting..tu yg fail tuh..ha3
aku baru perasan entri ni..
mmm. tahniah k..
jgn lupa tw wat preparation awal2 sem ni and seterusnya.
jgn maen2 g taw.. huhu..
gud luck k..
waitin 4 da next sem..
really sure u will get da best.. better thn b4..
All da best..
Rekha-tahnx..a lot..its mean so much to me to have for me to change..thanx.
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