well2.. wat a suprise.. hahaha.. 2day i learned sumthing dat i really dun bother but when it been point out its seem to bother me.. bkn nya aku xprasan benda nih tp td aku jdk mcm stunned.. terkejut, tercangak n xsangka yg benda nih real n is happenning around me.. around my frens, my family n my classmates..hmm. how should i start? hmm. first ari ni aku bgn agak lewat(as always)..7.50 a.m kot but still manage to be in BEl260 class at 8.10 a.m(true story ok n aku sempat mandi n make-up).. ma'am sharina tgh wat survey.. its actually an essay dat we supposed to write..bar-chart essay.. wanna noe da topic.. college/university students's activities during leisure time.. of cos ada la surfing, chatting, watching muvi all dat kind of stuff..PLUS, ada sleeping.. first benda to x bother aku sempat nomel r ada masa lapang aku pn kdg2 tido(eventhough lately nih aku jarang tido ptg.. tido mlm pun kdg2 x mcm mana nk tido ptg).. ok ma'am ask to rised up our hand kalu sapa yg tido time leisure time.JENG3.. wanna noe? all girl in my BEL260 class(DPA2B) rise up thier hand n boys didnt.. ni bulan posa r xkn org nk tipu kot.. so is an honest confession lah.. aku jdk terkejut.. xsangka yg bdk2 pmpn suma suka toido.. imean cmon lah slam ni aku pny expectation at girl r always high. in my p.o.v girl should be hardworking, workaholic kinda and all that other qualities but its suprised me dat they all like to sleep.wow!!! its BANG my head pretty heavy.. is it true? gurl suma suka tido je.. i mean comn.. u'all suma future wife(eventhough some dun wanna to be), u should be studying or cleaning.. hm kalu boys yg angkat tgn td ramai2 aku xterkejut sgt r sebb laki suma mmg pemalas pn.. tp aku bru realise dat boys in my campus jarang tido dah skrg.. most of us just sitting around, smoking, play games, watching muvi or Tv series jarang r tido n most of us tido lambat kot. plg awai pn slalu 2.am r.. kdg2 x tido truih.. so, pelik gak r aku.then i realize ya girl do love to sleep.. aku tringat blk smester le[as, clas pa ntah ramai gak gurls ngaku yg diorng suka tido jew.. so? i dunno.. form my opinion gurl shouldnt.. well, dats all i gotta say..
[Netflix] Lust, Caution HD quality
6 years ago
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